
7:07 PM

Hi, my name is Kristen, and I, probably much like you, am trying to navigate this chaotic messy thing we call life. While I still don't know who I want to be and what I want to do, I do know that a cute outfit helps me get through the day with confidence. My clothes (and a lint roller) allow me to look put together on the outside. As for what's going on inside my head - my therapist, cats, and wine help me handle to continuous neurotic and awkward thoughts, the made-up love scenarios (you know when you catch the eye of a cute boy on the street and you convince yourself an On the Line esque series of romantic events are soon to follow), and the endless "I should totally invent [blank]. I'd be a millionaire and OMG I'd totally win a Nobel prize!" ideas.

Basically, I am a hot mess that manages to survive the adult world somehow, and I do it all while looking (reasonably) cute.


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